Monthly Archives: October 2014

October 15th, 2014


A day that will go down in the books because…

THE KANSAS CITY ROYALS ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!   This city is pumped!  We haven’t been since 1985.  I seriously see smiles everywhere and people are so much more engaging and everyone always has blue on!  Oh and I was wearing the same shirt as Paul Rudd today, so there’s that 🙂

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I thought I’d join in on #Blogtober14 today and select my favorite quote,


Isn’t this tree outside my house gorg?!

The first time I read this quote, it really hit home.  I always feel like the things you really feel are the most meaningful.

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What is your favorite quote?

Expressing gratitude


Many times at my job (or any job), it is easy to focus on negatives. 

I just got yelled at by my patient and his family about issues out of my control.

I have to work on Christmas while most of the world is drinking eggnog and unwrapping presents.

I don’t look my age so I don’t get treated seriously.

And then there are days that you get a thank you! A hug from a patient that finally feels better and is able to go home.  A complete turn around.

It really reinforces to me how empowering expressing gratitude can be. It means everything.



And obviously sweets don’t hurt.


How do you express gratitude?

Friday Faves


Happy Friday! Let’s get to the best things right now.

1. The Pitch came out with The Best of KC 2014 and I was so excited to check out the list. My neighborhood coffee shop won Best Espresso!


2. My mom got me these cute little casserole dishes and I made frittatas this morning. 20141010_093836

3. Autumn walks and new headbands.


4. My gym just got Les Mills BodyAttack and I am excited to try!

5. Thanks to this post I found a new show, Blacklist! And I am hooked.

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A favorite question lately, what is the best thing that happened to you today?